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Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer

The Ultimate Energy-Based Subconscious Metaprogramming Modality

Become a Certified

Earth Mastery Practitioner

Mastering earth energies to serve the healing and ascension of the planet. This is for Practitioners who would like to advance their skills and abilities in working with planetary consciousness, ley lines, grid systems, Earth chakras, and collective belief systems.

Live Online

September 7 - 8



Offered by Tamra Oviatt

Powered by Source God Energy

A 2-Day Magical & Mind-Expanding Master Practitioner’s Course

This training takes you to a whole new level of connecting to the magical energies of our planet Earth and of assisting our planet in its transition to higher consciousness of unconditional love, collective compassion, peace, and harmony.

Hi, welcome to becoming a
Sacred Activations Earth Mastery Practitioner!

I warmly invite all Practitioners to join me in our mystical journey to Chakras, Ley Lines, Planetary Grids, and Sacred Sites of our planet Earth and work with their transformative energies and use them as gateways to connect to multidimensional galactic communities. 

Sacred Activations Earth Mastery Training Course provides you with powerful tools in your lightworker journey as you align yourself to Earth’s Crystalline Grid and assist the planet in its transition to higher consciousness of Light and Unconditional love. 

By becoming an Earth Master in this significant time in human history, you’ll be able to help transmute dark energies in the grid system and anchor light into the Earth Plane, soul-travel to different Earth Chakras, Sacred Sites, and other Energy Vortices, Portals, or Stargates located around the planet to receive higher vibrational light information, connect with the wisdom of the Whales and Dolphins, and a whole lot more magical and mind-blowing experiences waiting for you in this class. 

I’m excited to see you spark and radiate more healing, light, love, peace, and harmony to our planet and to all creations as the whole of humanity awakens to the 5D New Earth Consciousness.

A Personal Invitation from Tamra

Activating Your Mastery

Activating your mastery in collective and planetary healing

Take A Closer Look At Your

Two-Day Curriculum

Course Description

Tamra Oviatt offers this very magical practitioner’s course for all Level 1 Practitioners to advance their skills and abilities in working with cosmic and earth energies, connecting to leylines, planetary grids, and vortices, uniting with your star and galactic families, and assisting planetary healing and global transformation through Sacred Activations. 

This course is offered LIVE in an online setup, which allows you to take it in the comfort of your own home and at the same time, connect and make friends with people from all over the world. 

This is a 2-day online training that includes Tamra’s channeled teachings, giving and receiving Activations to make your connection with higher frequencies more powerful, interdimensional soul- travels, healing and grid works for the planet, connecting to crystals, dragons, and sea creatures, and more tools and processes to help raise the vibrational frequencies of your homeland, country, the whole humanity, and the planet. 

This training course is magical beyond words as you’re going to experience working on the DNA of the planet itself together with other galactic beings – what you’re going to see and receive in this training will expand you as a universal citizen and accelerate your ability to heal and impact positive transformation at collective and planetary levels.

This training certifies you to use Sacred Activations in clearing out old cellular memories and old energy templates that no longer serve humanity as a whole by working on the energy centers, ley lines, grid systems, and DNA of the planet.

Due to the high level of energy that will be channeled in this training, it is prerequisite that you have completed the Sacred Activations Practitioner’s Course Level 1.  It is also highly recommended (but not required) that you have completed Sacred Activations Master Practitioner Training.

What Are Included in This Course?

Receive highly powerful Activations, energy codes, and frequency transmissions

Activating your gifts as a Lightworker and Starseed to help Earth heal, grow, and fully transform into 5D New Earth.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Rainbow Power
  • Crop Circles
  • Starseed
  • Galactic Federation
  • Earth Masters
  • Godhead of the Planet
  • Crystals of the Planet
  • Dragon DNA
  • Activate Your Archetype

Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer

Become a Subconscious Mind Programmer by working with the Divine Source Energy and using the power of Sacred Activations

  • Acquire the knowledge and abilities to rewire the brain and reprogram the subconscious mind in the simplest, fastest, and most heartfelt way;
  • Change hundreds of beliefs, mental narratives, and emotional reactions by just running one Activation;
  • Go deeper in healing by attending to underlying issues and core wounds from childhood and past conditioning;
  • Address genetics and intergenerational traumas to end cycles of painful relationships;
  • Upgrade subconscious programs in different Timelines (Past, Present, and Future Selves) to easily align reality with the Highest Timeline; and
  • Disconnect from the Collective Consciousness running disempowering programs such as collective fears, collective anxiety, or group-based anger. 

Learn revolutionary tools to help shift the frequency of the planet

As well as help you accelerate your own healing, awaken your gifts, enhance your intuition, and download ascension codes.

Some of the healing tools that you’ll learn from this training:

  • Clear the Chakras, Timelines, and Ley Lines of Planet Earth;
  • Soul-travel to different Sacred Sites and Energy Vortices around the Planet;
  • Connect to Dragons, Sea Creatures, and Multidimensional Galactic Beings;
  • Connect to Earth’s Crystalline Grid to support planetary healing and awakening;

Multiple Practice Sessions

Firsthand experience running Activations energies on one-on-one session with other attendees

  • Tamra gives you ample opportunity to practice giving and running Activations through Zoom Breakout Rooms.
  • Power up your confidence and build unquestioning faith and trust in yourself, in your capabilities, and in Source Energy to bring more authenticity, compassion, and power in your work with Sacred Activations. 

Throughout the training, Tamra will be holding space for all attendees, so it’ll be easier for everyone to connect with the Sacred Energies. 

Question and Answer (Q&A) Session

Interact and connect with Tamra and your fellow attendees to have a richer, stronger, and more positive course experience

  • Strengthen your understanding about Sacred Activations and Subconscious Metaprogramming through questions and clarifications.
  • Deepen your realizations and internalize the learned concepts through discussions and sharing experiences.

The Practitioner’s Community

Tamra welcomes you to the warm and loving community of Sacred Activations practitioners from around the world coming together to co-create, empower, inspire, support, and celebrate one another in their journey

  • Connect and form friendships with people across the world.
  • Continue practicing Activations with other practitioners to master your abilities and intuition.
  • Offer and receive healing, support, and empowerment from the community. 
  • Share your growth experience, manifestations, and breakthroughs.
  • Exchange thoughts and learn from each other.
  • Celebrate your everyday joy with the community.

BONUS 1: Previous Earth Mastery Training Video Replays

Added directly to your dashboard

Watching these previous training courses is powerful on its own. There’s a priceless value in watching and re-watching Sacred Activations training as the energies are forever embedded into each recording. 

  • Receiving the codes and energies from the same training at a different time will never bring the same experience as you continue to shift and expand – It’ll touch the areas that you were not ready to shift the first time you watched it. With Tamra, every practitioner’s training is different from the last. 
  • The previous Earth Mastery Practitioner Training will get you ready for the 2-Day LIVE Training – the energies will become easier and faster for you to integrate.

BONUS 2: Opportunity to join another future live Earth Mastery Training

To spark whole new levels of understanding and consciousness shifts

  • To further support you as your consciousness continues to rise and ascend into more and more higher vibrational frequencies aligned more closely with the Source.
  • To bring new understanding and breakthroughs as you continue to heal your heart space and align yourself with your passion and purpose.


Added directly to your dashboard.

  •  200+ Healing Transmissions & Subconscious Clearings MP3s – UNLIMITED ACCESS
  • OVER 1,400 Minutes of Audios
  •  Choose from 4 Categories: Health, Relationships, Abundance, and Intuitive Abilities


Buy the complete Sacred Activations Training bundle. (Value: $30,000)

  • 550+ Healing Transmissions & Subconscious Clearings (Value: $20,000) MP3s and MP4s
  • 1000+ Minutes of Masterclass Healing Sessions (Value: $5000)
    Include 2023 Energy Clearings & Upgrades:

    • Physical Boundary Trauma
    • Life Review 
    • Overwhelm & Mental Health
    • Food Beliefs
    • Heaven & Hell
    • Vagus Nerve 
    • Manifestation
    • Nanobyte Technology 
    • Age Reversal
    • Intuitive Abilities
    • Animal Healing
    • Disconnect From Disease Consciousness
    • Relationship Healing
  •  6 Power Webinar Series 
    Intensive Weekly Sessions (worth over $2000)

    • The Great Awakening 12-week Series
    • Money Blueprint 4-week Series
    • The Ultimate Chakra Healing Series – based on Caroline Myss’s Chakra Energy System
    • Getting Out of the Mind Matrix with Love 12-week Series
    • Empowered Healers 6-week Series
    • Conscious Creation 10-week Series
  •  10 FREE ACCESS to Upcoming Webinar/Masterclass Sessions  (Value: $260)

When you purchase a Sacred Activations training course, you always get the recording of the previous training, get access to the current LIVE training, and automatic access to the next LIVE training for free (you’ll get 3 classes for the price of one class). After this, if you wish to join the class again, it’ll be half-price.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Help clear Earth’s energetic field, future timelines, and ley lines from dualities, caste systems, war consciousness, and disease consciousness;
  • Help transmute negative energies in the planetary grids into 5D New Earth frequencies; 
  • Bring light and healing to your local area and your country by aligning yourself to higher energies of the Crystalline Grid;
  • Pull negative programs from the DNA of the planet to weaken negative belief systems in the collective consciousness;
  • Connect to dragons and sea creatures to receive wisdom and guidance;
  • Soul-travel to different Earth Chakras, Sacred Sites, and different places around the planet to help heal the lands from traumas and other negative energetic patterns;
  • Activate the planet with the programs, knowledge, and understanding that can help it move to higher frequencies with more ease;
  • Unite and communicate with your Star and Galactic Families; 

The Earth Chakras

In this training, we are going to connect to different Earth Chakras and receive information, codes, and downloads.

Root Chakra

Mt. Shasta in California, USA

Sacral Chakra

Lake Titicaca in Peru, South America

Solar Plexus Chakra

Uluru-Kata Tjuta in Australia

Heart Chakra

Glastonbury-Shaftesbury in England

Throat Chakra

Giza Pyramid and Mt. Sinai in Egypt; Mount of Olives in Jerusalem

Third Eye Chakra

No fixed location. Currently Glastonbury-Shaftesbury in England

Crown Chakra

Mt. Kailash in Tibet, China

How fast Sacred Activations will shift you?

Here’s what our practitioners are saying about this training course

“I believe there are yet more miracle healings to experience with diseases that we once would have thought incurable through Sacred Activations.”

Hümeyra Gürel
Izmir, Turkey

“It seemed very beautiful and calm, and I understood well that everyone is connected.. I had goosebumps the whole time.”

Miho Fujimatsu
Kyoto, Japan

“After I ran activations on her.. the cancer was healed after a short while and there was no metastasis whatsoever.. She is now doing what she really loves.”

Ma. Teresa Garcia
Manila, Philippines

Real stories of actual experiences

Continue your healer's journey

and get certified today

What you’ll receive when you join this training:

Lifetime access to all of the video replays, which will be added directly to your dashboard, so you can receive the Activations again

A training certificate of completion that verifies your competency to give Activations on people in a one-to-one setting, whether in-person or remote

An Earth Mastery training manual that includes the teachings, channeled information, and process – this serves as your guide when you practice doing the Activations

Practitioner’s Directory: You can add your profile in Sacred Activations Practitioner’s Directory, so people can contact you for a private session

Access to Practitioners Facebook Page where you can practice with other practitioners, find support, receive healing, or share your experiences and manifestations.

Warm and friendly customer support whenever you need help

Frequently Asked Questions

ABSOLUTELY. Sacred Energy transcends time and space. The replay is as powerful and potent as the live session. The energies are being embedded for each recording. The results you’ll get from attending the live training are the same results when you watch it through the recordings. 

If you have an open mind, an interest for self-expansion and personal growth, and a desire to heal (or to help others heal), this practitioner course is for you. You don’t have to be intuitive to join this course, because receiving the Sacred Geometry Activations during the 2-day training will already help you develop your intuitive abilities. Plus, you’re encouraged to practice with your fellow practitioners until you’re confident with your capabilities to work with Sacred Activations. 

Every practitioner’s course offered by Tamra is different from the previous ones. New information, teachings, and processes might be taught. As this is a channeled live training, we can’t completely tell you 100% of what will happen until it is over. What we can tell you, however,  is that this is MORE THAN what it promises. 

YES. After taking this course, your life will never be the same again. This is not only about teaching you how to run the Activations on yourself and others to reprogram the subconscious mind. This is more about receiving and activating the codes and energy frequencies within your awareness, which allow you to access deeper understanding, untapped potential, and higher level of consciousness, and this in turn will bring magnificent results and shifts in your life. 

Transform with Sacred Activations

Co-create magic, wonders, and miracles for yourself and humanity by reprogramming the subconscious mind and changing negative core beliefs



Pay once for limitless learning

  • BONUS: Get free 1 year Basic Membership subscription
    VALUE: $2000
  • LIVE TRAINING of Earth Mastery
    VALUE: $1500
  • INSTANT ACCESS TO PREVIOUS Earth Mastery Training
    VALUE: $1500
  • INSTANT ACCESS TO PREVIOUS Earth Mastery Training
    VALUE: $1500


Save $3,000

* Click Proceed to checkout to the training.


3 Monthly Payment

  • BONUS: Get free 1 year Basic Membership subscription
    VALUE: $2000
  • LIVE TRAINING of Earth Mastery
    VALUE: $1500
  • INSTANT ACCESS TO PREVIOUS Earth Mastery Training
    VALUE: $1500
  • INSTANT ACCESS TO PREVIOUS Earth Mastery Training
    VALUE: $1500


Total $549

*Monthly plans are subject to 10% increase

Get Practitioners Training Bundle

What are included in the Practitioners Training Bundle?