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Certified Practitioner Training Course

Live Online
January 11
8:00 AM PST
Watch this Video about the Alien Brain

Upcoming Live Online Training Schedule
2nd Session — JANUARY 11 & 12, 2025 I 8:00 AM PACIFIC
This is highly advanced training. TO JOIN, you must be a Sacred Activations Master Practitioner and have completed the Multiverse Blueprint I.
A Personal Invitation from Tamra
About This Training
When I was in England, I was walking through the ley lines in the Abbey House in Glastonbury, and I heard it’s time for the next level of the Multiverse Blueprint.
What’s changed for me since the first Multiverse is I feel calmer and more in my knowing. I don’t get caught up in the game as much—about 75% less than I used to.
I’m now able to run hundreds of activations for hundreds of people, with each person receiving exactly what they need.
And I see myself reaching into the matrix and changing things.
In the first session, YOU WILL RECEIVE THE CODES.
This coming 2nd session in January, we’re going to work within the matrix, operate above the matrix, see into the matrix, and learn to change the programming within the matrix.
I have also received information about ‘The Alien Brain,’ and I will discuss it in the next session.
See you there!
Sacred Activations Practitioner's Course
Co-creating magic, wonders, and miracles for yourself and humanity by reprogramming the subconscious mind and changing negative core beliefs

- Lifetime Access to Video Replays
- Training Certificate of Completion
- Multiverse Blueprint Next Level Training Manual
Pay once for limitless learning
Regular Price $1000
Save $250
* Click Proceed to checkout to the training.
3 Monthly Payment
Regular Price $1000
Total $825
*Monthly plans are subject to 10% increase.
This is highly advanced training. TO JOIN, you must be a Sacred Activations Master Practitioner and have completed the Multiverse Blueprint I.
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