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Rewrite your past and future timelines and watch miracles unfold into your present life.

Timelines and Parallel Universes



An Immersive and Highly- Transformative 2-Day Online Practitioner Course

Offered by  Sacred Activations Founder Tamra Oviatt
Powered by Source God Energy

Live Online

August 31- September 1




When you purchase this training course for the first time, you will get the recording of the previous Timelines & Parallel Universes Training (March 2023), get access to the upcoming LIVE Training, and automatic access to the next LIVE Training for free!

This CERTIFIED PRACTITIONER TRAINING is offered to help you and your clients make major shifts and upgrades in different areas in your life where you feel trapped, unfulfilled, or stagnant by clearing past-life influences, shifting your timelines, and working with archetypal energies.

Personal Invitation

Breaking the Karmic Holographic Loop of Negative Energy Patterns

What if you can pull a whole lifetime program and replace it with a positive program that will shift your whole timeline right here and now? What if you can check your future timeline and if you see unwanted experiences, you can pull those out too?

Timelines and Parallel Universes is a groundbreaking multi-dimensional healing process that you’ll never find in any other classes and training courses. 

In this training, you will be looking into your past and future life programs and parallel realities to create breathtaking, grand positive changes in your present life. 

This tool will heal and shift aspects of your life where you caught up in the same frustrating patterns and karmic loops, whether it’s in your relationships, physical health, or financial endeavors. 

This is made for you and for your clients so you can walk away from the old repetitive attachments, choices, dramas, feelings, and thinking.    

The processes from this training, along with Sacred Activations, will take your healing sessions to a whole new level of depth, potency, and impact.

What To Expect From This Training

An all-powerful and one-of-a-kind tool that breaks disrupting, old, negative patterns SO YOU CAN take back control of your life.

How Is This Training Beneficial To You and To Your Clients

Have you run into the same frustrating situations again and again? Do you feel stuck and trapped in the same problems? Or do you have issues that keep coming back no matter where you are in life? Perhaps it’s the constant struggles with your debts and finances, relationships, or physical health. 

If you are the person with the same complaints you had 5 years ago or 10 years ago, this training will address recurring issues and problems that may have rooted deeply in traumatic past lives, ancient fears, unhealed karmic wounds, or energetic imprints. 

The processes from this training will help you and your clients:

  • Find freedom from frustrating patterns and persistent issues that you keep struggling with;
  • Release low vibrations, stuck energies, imprints, wounds, fears, karmic ties, or traumas from your past lives that you carry over to your current life;
  • Create breakthroughs in your relationships — if you’re constantly experiencing recurring conflicts with others, unexplained attraction or aversion with a particular type of people, or difficulties forming deep connections, this process is a game changer for you;
  • Start making more conscious and informed choices by becoming more aligned with your current intentions and desires without past-life influences to sabotage you;
  • By removing your whole past life programs that carry unresolved emotional wounds, you stop attracting experiences and situations in your current life that trigger the same emotional pain;
  • By regularly clearing your future timelines, you can take more control of what you want to create and un-create in your future; and
  • Tap into the gifts, strengths, and qualities of your archetypes, allowing you to gain more clarity about your personal purpose and the direction you want to take in your life.

What Others Have Said About This Training

Feedback From A Practitioner in Japan


I had done some past life healing work, but it only had a temporary effect. Last week’s work seemed to completely heal me.
I feel lighter and my habits of depression and despair seem to have disappeared. Thank you very much.

Reviews from those who bought the transcribed training of Timelines and Parallel Universes in Amazon

United States
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Love the meditations. As someone with a traumatic past, I really appreciate the ways the guided meditations in this book can be used for exploring and redefining traumatic experiences.
United Kingdom
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I have had many healing experiences with past lives. It was really cool to read about other people's experiences on this course. I've read a lot of books about past life's/healing but this one to me seemed like a pretty practical teaching.
United States
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Figure out your BLOCKS with this book! Tamra Oviatt is a leader in the forward movement of Energy Healings. Her book, Timelines and Parallel Universes, will share with you different perspectives on this concept and idea. When you are stuck and don't know why, have you ever explored the idea of something outside this place impacting that? Well, this book may lend some ideas for you to explore. When your mind is open, the universe opens up to you! Enjoy the book!
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I love this book, the information it contains and the fact that it is written in a way that feels as if the author is speaking directly to me, which, in fact is because the book is a transcript of the webinars Tamra held on these topics. The guided meditations are written in full, and easy to understand. I am familiar with the concept of parallel lives and have researched this before, however I found Tamra's explanation much easier to understand.
United States
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Buckle in and get ready for a life changing time traveling ride. Talk about changing your life by owning it and rewriting your story by changing your past to shift your present to make for yourself a better future! Here’s where you do it. Quite a ride. Loved it.
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Everything is easy and clear to understand, so fun past and future with Tamra.
United States
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Love the Timeline and Parallel Universe. The tools in this book change the way I see life. A lot of the limiting belief in my life came from a past life and by changing the outcome in my mind of a past life affected my beliefs so I can change in my current life. These are wonderful transformation tool.

What you’ll receive when you join this training

A training certificate of completion that verifies your competency to facilitate Timelines and Parallel Universes Practitioner’s Training healing sessions using Sacred Activations.

A training manual that includes the teachings, channeled information, and process: this serves as your guide when you practice what you’ve learned from the class.

Access to Practitioners Facebook Page where you can practice with other practitioners, find support, receive healing, or share your experiences and manifestations.

BONUS: Previous Practitioner’s Training Video Replay

Added directly to your dashboard.

  • By watching this previous training, you’ll receive codes, energies, and information that prepare you for the LIVE TRAINING. 
  • You’ll have foundation knowledge about Sacred Activations and how it works. 

With Tamra, every practitioner’s training is different from the last, so we can’t tell you 100% of what will happen during the live training until it is over, but you’ll get more than what it promises.


Added directly to your dashboard. (Value: $2,000)

  •  200+ Healing Transmissions & Subconscious Clearings MP3s – UNLIMITED ACCESS
  • OVER 1,400 Minutes of Audios
  •  Choose from 4 Categories: Health, Relationships, Abundance, and Intuitive Abilities


Buy the complete Sacred Activations Training bundle. (Value: $30,000)

  • 550+ Healing Transmissions & Subconscious Clearings. MP3s and MP4s
  • 1000+ Minutes of Masterclass Healing Sessions 
    Include 2023 Energy Clearings & Upgrades:

    • Physical Boundary Trauma
    • Life Review 
    • Overwhelm & Mental Health
    • Food Beliefs
    • Heaven & Hell
    • Vagus Nerve 
    • Manifestation
    • Nanobyte Technology 
    • Age Reversal
    • Intuitive Abilities
    • Animal Healing
    • Disconnect From Disease Consciousness
    • Relationship Healing
  •  6 Power Webinar Series 
    Intensive Weekly Sessions 

    • The Great Awakening 12-week Series
    • Money Blueprint 4-week Series
    • The Ultimate Chakra Healing Series – based on Caroline Myss’s Chakra Energy System
    • Getting Out of the Mind Matrix with Love 12-week Series
    • Empowered Healers 6-week Series
    • Conscious Creation 10-week Series
  •  10 FREE ACCESS to Upcoming Webinar/Masterclass Sessions

Frequently Asked Questions

ABSOLUTELY. Sacred Energy transcends time and space. The replay is as powerful and potent as the live session. The energies are being embedded for each recording. The results you’ll get from attending the live training are the same results when you watch it through the recordings. 

If you have an open mind, an interest for self-expansion and personal growth, and a desire to heal (or to help others heal), this practitioner course is for you. You don’t have to be intuitive to join this course, because receiving the Sacred Geometry Activations during the 2-day training will already help you develop your intuitive abilities. Plus, you’re encouraged to practice with your fellow practitioners until you’re confident with your capabilities to work with Sacred Activations. 

Every practitioner’s course offered by Tamra is different from the previous ones. New information, teachings, and processes might be taught. As this is a channeled live training, we can’t completely tell you 100% of what will happen until it is over. What we can tell you, however,  is that this is MORE THAN what it promises. 

YES. After taking this course, your life will never be the same again. This is not only about teaching you how to run the Activations on yourself and others to reprogram the subconscious mind. This is more about receiving and activating the codes and energy frequencies within your awareness, which allow you to access deeper understanding, untapped potential, and higher level of consciousness, and this in turn will bring magnificent results and shifts in your life. 

Sacred Activations Practitioner's Course

Co-creating magic, wonders, and miracles for yourself and humanity by reprogramming the subconscious mind and changing negative core beliefs



Pay once for limitless learning

  • BONUS: Get free 1 year Basic Membership subscription
    VALUE: $2,000
    VALUE: $1500
  • GET INSTANT ACCESS to the recording of previous Timelines and Parallel Universes Training. 
    VALUE: $1500
  • Join next live Timelines and Parallel Universes Trainings for FREE 
    VALUE: $1500


Save $6,000

* Click Proceed to checkout to the training.


3 Monthly Payment

  • BONUS: Get free 1 year Basic Membership subscription
    VALUE: $2,000
    VALUE: $1500
  • GET INSTANT ACCESS to the recording of previous Timelines and Parallel Universes Training. 
    VALUE: $1500
  • Join next live Timelines and Parallel Universes Trainings for FREE 
    VALUE: $1500


Total $549

*Monthly plans are subject to 10% increase

Get Practitioners Training Bundle

What are included in the Practitioners Training Bundle?

Value $2250

When you purchase a Sacred Activations training course, you always get the recording of the previous training, get access to the current LIVE training, and automatic access to the next LIVE training for free (you’ll get 3 classes for the price of one class). After this, if you wish to join the class again, you’ll get a 50% OFF the regular price.


Pay once for limitless learning

Regular Price $2250


Save $1500

*Button above will redirect you to cart. Click Proceed to checkout to the training.


Pay once for limitless learning

Regular Price $2250


Total $825

*Monthly plans are subject to 10% increase